1. Cover Page
2. 11:11 Dream Experience
3. CC Christmas Party
4. Small Enlightenments
by Wulfing von Rohr
5. Standard Technology: Now Available in Digital Download
6. Shaumbra Heartbeat
7. Noteworthy
8. Shaumbra Creations
9. Shaumbra Speaks
12. Shaumbra Events with Geoff and Linda

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Journey of The Angels
A Personal Study Course

"The story of creation that’s
never been told...
now told by a real angel"

Tobias reminds us of what it was like to leave the angelic realms to come to earth. The listener re-experiences many things – what it was like to be birthed into biological form for the first time; remembrances of our Lemurian lifetimes; the pleasures and pains of Atlantis; and finally, into our more modern times and the deeper understanding of why we are here in this lifetime.

This is the story of creation that’s never been told before, shared with us now by a real angel. It explains how and why we became separated from Spirit, helps us to understand what transpires in the angelic realms, and it paints a new and refreshing picture of why earth was created and why we chose to come here.

The Journey of the Angels is a spiritual epic. It’s the explanation and understanding of Creation from A – Z. More than anything, the listener can actually re-experience their personal journey while in the energy of this masterpiece story. More than just words in an audio recording, Journey of the Angels is an experience of awakening and remembrance.

Journey of the Angels is now available in a 12 CD Personal Study Course that includes 11 audio CDs and 1 data disk. It includes a comprehensive Study Guide (PDF format) that facilitates the listener in a step-by-step process of reflecting on and observing their personal journey from Home to Now. (The course will also be taught by certified Shaumbra Institute teachers in late 2009 with enhanced original videos.)

This is the essential Tobias course for any Shaumbra – or anyone else – who wants to understand their angelic history. At times it will challenge you, at times it will give you great comfort and remembrance. You might be moved to tears or laughter, but one way or the other Journey of the Angels WILL touch you deeply.

For more information and to order:
Shaumbra Shoppe -US Store

Crimson Circle Store
November 2009 Newsletter

Small Enlightenments

by Wulfing von Rohr
© 2009

How many glorious people, what a marvelous world, how miraculous a life: There are so many spiritual paths, so many options for growth, such diverse ways of self-realization, such a wealth of opportunities to make your own contributions to humankind and to the world. Indeed – we live in a remarkable time.

But, alas, we all know too that many a times we feel out of energy, “out of steam,” dejected, disappointed, desperate … simply down. And then where is our spiritual zest which supposedly not only should carry us through life but let us soar into heights unexplored so far by common man and woman?

For this wonderful newsletter of the Crimson Circle I would like to share with you, sisters and brothers in spirit who are shining beacons of light (maybe you do not feel like that yet or not always, but as you obviously have made the choice to pursue awakening, you are already shining very brightly!), some means and methods which have proven quite practical, helpful and beneficial.
They will be presented here in a concise form; in my recent German book “Kleine Erleuchtungen” those who read German will find a more in-depth discussion.

You and we all are on a journey – the journey of Spirit to conscious Awakening while expressing itself through a limited physical body in a restricted four-dimensional realm (space and time).

The Old Energy presented dogmatic truths and demanded implicit obedience to extraneous authorities. Only then would man and woman be able to be “saved.” The Old Energy set a hierarchy in which we were at the dark and “sinful” bottom threatened by physical death any time. We were put far away from the lofty heights of the bright peak of eternal life. We could ascend only through the intercession of (self-proclaimed) intermediaries and possibly not even in this life time but only in a murkily uncertain future. We were here and God? He was way out “there.”

The New Energy points to the forgotten fact that we all may find the center and source of truth, life, love and light within our own selves. The New Energy challenges us to recognize and embrace our own individual responsibility and potential (!) for awakening. In this process we gladly accept any help proffered, by “teachers,” “channels” or simply by fellow travelers – but we do not confuse their guiding efforts and actions with the ultimate self-realization that comes from within and on our own.

The New Energy in these New Times also does not denounce the presence of the Divine, the Grace of the Universal Spirit, the inspiration by past Saints and Masters and the upliftment through such prayers, meditations, rites and rituals which prove themselves effective for the individual without putting him or her in new fetters. The New Consciousness realizes that God is within.

This New Consciousness is Wisdom of the Heart. The reason of the head and its knowledge base is really valuable. It helps us in so many situations of daily life. The instincts of the belly are so important as they guide us in many circumstances which the head fails to see through. But it is the Wisdom of the Heart which inspires us to open up to the unlimited possibilities of life, to the unbound Grace of the Universal Spirit and to give our Spirit free reins to follow its destiny and fulfill its purpose: the utmost manifestation of Love and Light through our personal Life in the here and now.

In this vein of Heart Wisdom, please read the following suggestions and decide for yourself what you would like to check out. Also, feel free to alter exercises if your inner voice so guides you.

Where Do You Stand?

Meet Your Self
The World is our mirror. Inspirational ideas, visionary dreams and sudden enlightenments are messages of your soul. They point out a potential and various opportunities. Crises, problems and challenges are also messages of your soul. They signal where we should change and transform to better identify with our purpose.

Exercise: This is about self-empowerment through self-appreciation.
- Get a hold of some photos from the time when you quite young. What do you see in your eyes of yonder times? Joy of Life? Yearning for Adventure? Love? Or doubt, a sense of feeling forlorn …?
- Look now at some photos from your teens. What kind of energy do you discover in them? Awakening Individuality? Passion for Life? Rebellion? Seeking Orientation?
- May be you have some more photos of later stages of your life. Look at them with the same intent and desire to discover something of your then-reality and self-and world-perception.

Now think, feel and intuit what your calling would be for the stretch of life before you now. Which kind of mental and emotional state would be appropriate for you now? Which soul-feeling would you like to nurture now? Which insights and experiences could you bring in now?

- Put a few of these photos from various stages in your life alongside or underneath a mirror.
- Have a look at them and recall briefly the energies from the past times.
- Now look into the mirror into your own eyes. (If this is uncomfortable please do it only very briefly, like 5 seconds. Do not do it at all if you are on medication or on drugs or in an instable state!)
- Start discovering in the depth of your eyes – these windows to your soul – the light and the love of your heart, the joy and the grace of your Spirit. Allow yourself to see the very best and the very brightest of your Being in your own eyes. And imprint any wonderful, confident and loving insights into your very mind and body.

It could be that you would start smiling or even laughing, or that tears would be flowing because you have recognized a deep part of your innermost self and you are being touched by the vibration of the divine Source within you.

- To conclude this encounter with new aspects of your self, you may bow gently with folded hands to your own self in front of the mirror. (I know it may sound ridiculous, but you might want to try it out at least once or twice and see what happens.)

Maybe you would like to do this exercise once a day for one week or 2-3 times per week for one month.

In the upcoming further parts I would like to present two more exercises under the topic of “Where Do You Stand?”, namely “Let Go” and “The Great Yes.” Then three exercises for each of these topics will follow later: “What Are Your Imprints?” - “What Will Heal You?” – “What Fulfills You and the World?”

Thank you for being who you are! Thank you for sharing your soul gifts and your loving life!

About Wulfing von Rohr, b. 1948

Wulfing has travelled widely, during his 20 years as a TV producer and on his spiritual journeys – throughout Europe, to North and Central America, Peru, Pakistan, South Africa and many times to India.

He met and interviewed many notable personalities from the political life (Indira Gandhi, Zia ul Haq, Anwar El Sadat, Giscard d´Estaing, Henry Kissinger, Helmut Kohl a.o.), from the entertainment world (Shirley MacLaine, Jerry Lewis, Bo Derek a.o.) and especially from the spiritual area (H.H. The Dalai Lama, H.H. Pope John Paul II, Pir Vilayat Khan, Sant Darshan Singh, Wladimir Maximow, Lee Carroll, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe, Doreen Virtue, a.o.). Wulfing produced documentaries on Chaco Canyon and the vanished Anasazi people, on social and cultural topics in Turkey, Guatemala, India, France, a.o.

Wulfing has written and co-authored about 90 books, mostly in the fields of spirituality, meditation, personal growth and holistic natural healing. Wulfing brought Edward Bach (Bach flower remedies), Dane Rudhyar (humanistic astrology), Chris Griscom (consciousness pioneer) a.o. leading edge authors into German language publishing as general editor, co-author and translator.

He was member of the board of directors of the German yoga teacher´s association (BDY), is a member of the International Society of Depth Psychology and a founding and honorary member of the Marianic association of Großgmain. He has served as the founding chief editor of the first German bi-monthly angel magazine. Wulfing serves as organizer and host for international peace and for intercultural conferences (Munich, Luzern, Salzburg), for Angel Congresses (Salzburg, Munich, Nuremberg) and for Wholistic Conferences (Zurich, Basel).

Wulfing lived and worked in Santa Fe, NM, from 1986 until 1998. Now he makes his home in Austria at the magic Untersberg close to Salzburg.

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